AI ready infrastructure and modern workloads 
We would like to invite you to the 2nd annual IT Infrastructure Modernization expert meeting, which will take place on June 13, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. at hotel Stages, Českomoravská 19a Praha 9. 

9:30: Welcome, introduction
9:45 – 10:20: Quantum computing in business - Ondřej Oubrecht /NTT Data (in Czech)
  • Do you want to know how a quantum computer works, what quantum particles are and, what is the difference between a quantum computer and quantum data transmission? What can we expect in the next few years?
10:25 – 11:10: What one should think of to build up an AI stack - Gergely Rab /DELL Technologies
  • AI is probably the most used buzzword in the world of information technology today. But what does it really mean to be "AI ready"? Bloated graphics aren't enough, you need a functional ecosystem built on computing power, a communications infrastructure where packets fly like rockets, a disk subsystem that doesn't get hung up, and orchestration software that throws it all at the right parties. Wondering what to think of when you say "we're building AI"? It's a lot, and it's fun!
11:15 – 11:55:  AI running on-premises and money aspect - Ľubomír Šurina /DELL Technologies (in Czech)
  • Investing in AI pays off, on all fronts. It's not just about happy investors, conservationists – of nature and budgets – are happy too. The "cloud-like" funding phenomenon also applies to an AI-ready environment – why pay upfront and extra? There is another way - AI as APEX - you start with little, you pay monthly. Well, you buy what you need when you need it... The only thing about numbers - they don't lie! See for yourself!
12:00 – 12:35: Why ePRTC (with Cesium Optical Clock) is needed? - Peter Kasanický /Adtran (in Czech)
  • Today’s critical infrastructure relies predominantly on satellite-delivered timing to synchronize operators' operational systems and communication infrastructure. Long periods of unavailable Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) can impact service and even create outages. Ultra-stable core time clocks in combination with network-delivered timing can efficiently mitigate such risk and significantly improve service quality. Our enhanced primary reference time clocks (ePRTC) eliminate such critical dependency from satellite-delivered timing while providing higher performance levels than standard PRTC systems.
12:35 -13:20: Lunch break
13:20- 13:55: Private 5G Demystified – Marcus Mroczkowski /Celona 
  • There has been a lot of buzz in the market for several years about the potential impact of Private 5G for Smart Manufacturing and Smart Logistics.  Is this a technology you should consider for your business?  Learn the basics of Private 5G, and hear how NTT and Celona are working together to support of industrial digital transformation initiatives with high performance wireless connectivity. ill be sent later
14:00 – 14:25: AI workloads and data handling - Martin Klčovský /NTT Data (in Czech)
  • Storage, organization, and access to different types of data - structured and unstructured, in the cloud and on-premises, managed by you or someone else, access protocols, ethernet, infiniband, omnipath – all these, and more, are parameters that play a role when artificial intelligence plays with data. End to end compatibility all along the highway – from source to destination and back again. AI storage is not a commodity, AI storage is a relevant science!
14:40 – 16:10: Deep dive, 90minutes about everything what are you interested in 

Private 5G Best Practices – Marcus Mroczkowski /Celona
  • NTT and Celona have been working together on actual Private 5G deployments, and Marcus will present the lessons learned from these implementations. Based on this real-life experience, Marcus will provide recommendations for what to consider when planning your own Private 5G deployments in support of your automation and Industrial IoT projects. The complexity and cost have been driven out of the equation, and now the deployments can be as easy and cost-effective to deploy as Wi-Fi, with far more secure and reliable wireless performance.
How do quantum computers work, quantum data transmition, what we may expect in future?
- Ondřej Oubrecht /NTT DATA  (in Czech)
  • How do quantum computers work, quantum data transmition, what we may expect in future. We will explain quantum computers principles, atomic properties, elementary particles behaviour and direction to future development. Quantum entanglement, how to use it and what remains to use it. Quantum data transmition, how does this technology work, single photon detektor and single photon emitor.
Computer Vision – What a computer can see? – Gergely Rab /DELL Technologies
  • Let’s analyze two use cases: domain-specific information populated knowledgebase search and a computer vision solution. We discuss the data platforms from the smallest ones (ie. a single internal disk) to the more complex ones (Dell Data Lakehouse), using multiple GPU and non-GPU environments, using multiple networking options. Our main aim will be to optimize the costs, the deployment time and the customer benefit.
16:00: Barbecue informal seating
Speaker bio's
Rab Gergely

Rab has been working as a Dell Solution Consultant for 8 years and prior to this as a Solution Architect in HPE and 3COM. He is the prime technical expert in HPC and AI infrastructure in the central European region. His broad reach and expertise based on hands-on approach to projects. The most of his time he spends at work and as an AI tutor.
Ľubomír Šurina

He has long term knowledge of the IT economy and projects planning. Costs optimizing is his main focus when assisting clients meet their needs. He is responsible for financial products (including APEX - a new and exciting development of IT infrastructure financing) at Dell.

Martin Klčovský

Matin has been working at NTT Data for 10 years. During this time he has focused on virtualization, enterprise data management and networking. His focus for the last 4 years has been on SW defined infrastructure and IT in public cloud. He is a certified architect for AWS, Dell and VMware.

Ondřej Oubrecht

He obtained his MBA degree at ESMA Barcelona. He has been working as a network infrastructure architect for many years. He supports the latest technologies focusing on P5G networks. He has been taking care of NTT Data network infrastructure as Business Development Architect for more than four years.
Marcus Mroczkowski

Marcus has been working in the IT industry for the last 20 years. He has been a Senior Systems Engineer, working with large MSPs and Enterprise customers and Global System integrators across EMEA for the last 8 years. This includes Celona, HPE and Ruckus Networks. Prior to this he has been working in different roles for vendors and system integrators and has a lot of expertise across various customer verticals and technologies including but not limited to P5G and IT Infrastructure as a whole. He has a strong focus on building real world use cases with cutting edge technology.
Peter Kasanický

Peter started as a TAC specialist at Alcatel SEL Tesla 30 years ago. He spent several years at Alcatel SEL Stuttgart as a Bid manager of Mobile Core Network, focused on RF and CIS markets. For the last 8 years he has worked for Adtran as a company salesman for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine markets.   
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